Here Are Important Things You Do Everyday That Are Responsible For Your Low Spe-rm Counts
A man's child-producing rate generally depends on the amount and quality of his sperm. If theamount of sperm a man shouts out is low or if the sperm is of poor quality, it will be very hard and sometimesimpossible for him to (make pregnant) a female. According to Prof. Oladapo Ashiru, a maleinability to have children/grow crops is usually caused by problems that affect either spermproduction in the testes or sperm transport. See 10 of such (things that caused other things) oflow sperm count in men: Certain surgeries, including vasectomy, might prevent you from having sperm in your testicles. Inguinal hernia repairs, scrotal or testicular surgeries, (male reproductive gland) surgeries, andlarge (related to the center part of the body) surgeries (did/done/completed) for testicular andrectal cancers, among others, are also suspect. In most cases, surgery can be(did/done/completed) to either reverse these (things preventing the flow of something) or toretrieve sperm directly from the epididymis and testicles. (related to surrounding conditions or the health of the Earth) causes Sperm production orfunction can be affected by overexposure to certain (related to surrounding conditions or the health of the Earth) elements, including: Industrial chemicals Extended exposure to benzenes, toluene, xylene, herbicides, bug-killing chemicals, organic solvents, painting materials and lead might add/give to low sperm counts. Exposure to lead or other heavy metals also can cause inability to have children/grow crops. Radiation or x-rays Exposure to radiation can reduce sperm production. It can take (more than two, but not a lot of)years for sperm production to return to (usual/ commonly and regular/ healthy). With high dosesof radiation, sperm production can be permanently reduced. It is being reported that keepingmobile phones in the pocket, close to the upper thigh, is very harmful to sperm production withresulting low sperm count and (the study of the shapes of things). Drug use/Alcohol Anabolic steroids taken to stimulate muscle strength and growth can cause the testicles to shrinkand sperm production to decrease. Use of cocaine or marijuana might reduce the number andquality of your sperm also. Alcohol can lower (body chemical that causes men to be men) levelsand cause decreased sperm production. Occupation Certain occupations might be linked with a risk of inability to have children/grow crops, includingwelding or those connected with lengthy sitting, such as truck driving. However, the data tosupport these associations are (not agreeing/not happening in the same way). (way of living) Men who smoke might have a lower sperm count than those who don't smoke. Also, (being very overweight) can damage/weaken life-creating ability in (more than two, but not a lot of) ways, including directly affecting sperm and by causing (chemical produced by the body)changes. Plastics Bisphenol A, a (something added to food, or something else) to plastics found in many householdproducts, can lower sperm count and swimming strength. A 2008 study in the journal, Life-creating ability and (having no germs/unable to have children), showed that men with highconcentrations of BPA in their urine also had low sperm counts. Food packaging is a majorsource of BPA which can seep into foods. Tumours Cancers and nonmalignant tumours can affect the male (related to the process of making children) organs directly, through the glands that release (chemicals produced by the body)related to reproduction, such as the pituitary gland, or through unknown causes. Surgery, radiation or (using powerful drugs to help cure disease) to treat tumours can also affect male life-creating ability.
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